01484 427373

British Handmade Mattresses & Beds





‘Company’ means Hamilton & James Limited. Whose registered office is at Beacon Street Huddersfield HD2 2RS, UK.

‘Customer’ means the person, film or company to whom the Company addresses a quotation or whose order is accepted by the Company.

‘Goods’ means all items supplied by the Company to the Customer which are subject of such quotation or order.


All prices quoted by the Company and all orders and any variations to them are subject to the terms and conditions set out below which shall prevail over any other terms and conditions earlier agreed expressly or by conduct between the Company and the Customer, or under which the Customer customarily trades or purport to trade. No variation to these Terms and Conditions shall be effective unless in writing. Accordingly, any contract for the sale of goods by the Company shall be on these Terms and Conditions only unless so varied in writing.


No binding contract is created until an order is accepted by the company and all prior correspondence or oral communications are to be regarded as superseded and not forming part of the contract. Prices quoted are subject to revision for changes in circumstances beyond the Company’s reasonable control and for errors and omissions at any time.


  • The prices specified in any quotation shall be the price ruling at the date of dispatch and are valid only for the Goods and the delivery dates specified in such quotations and only if an order in writing is received by the Company within the period of 30 days after the date of such quotation.
  • Unless otherwise expressly stated in a quotation, all prices are inclusive of delivery and transit insurance to the customer within mainland Great Britain, but are exclusive of VAT and any applicable customs or excise duties. Surcharges may apply to certain areas of Great Britain depending on order volume and geographic location which will be communicated in advance. The Customer shall pay and reimburse the Company for all such duties incurred by the Company.


  • Unless otherwise agreed by negotiation and confirmed in writing, payment in full in respect of all Goods supplied shall be due within 30 days of the date of any invoice rendered in respect of them, and shall be paid cleared payments.
  • Payment may not be refused or delayed by reason of any defect in the Goods which the Company has agreed by warranty, guarantee or otherwise to remedy.
  • All payments shall be made without deduction or set off.
  • Failure by the Customer to make payments in the time and manner stipulated above shall entitle the Company:
    • To refuse to make or delay making further supplies of the Goods.
    • To charge a fixed fee of £45 for balances under £1000 and £70 for any balances over £1000 plus compensation charge as detailed below.
    • To charge compensation Charge at 4 per cent per annum calculated daily at 0.022% above the base rate from time to time of HSBC plc on all sums remaining unpaid after the expiry of a period of 30 days from the date when payment is due, unless otherwise agreed.


In the case of export sales, unless otherwise agreed in writing the Customer shall establish an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the Company immediately upon receipt of the Company’s acceptance of the Customers order and confirmed by a United Kingdom bank acceptable to the Company. The letter of credit shall be for the price payable to the Company for the goods (together with any tax or duty payable) and shall be valid for at least 6 months or such longer period as is estimated by the Company for delivery. The Company shall be entitled to payment upon presentation to such United Kingdom bank of the documents specified by the Company.


  • Any time or date for the dispatch or delivery of goods, whether specified in the Company’s quotation or otherwise given by the Company, shall be taken as an estimate made by the Company in good faith, but shall not be binding upon the Company, either as a term of contract or otherwise, except when goods are delayed, otherwise than due to the Company’s force majeure or an act or omission of the Customer, by more than twenty-eight (28) days beyond the date specified in the Company’s order acknowledgement. In that event the Customer may cancel the order and purchase substitute goods. If the price of such substitute goods is higher than the price of the goods, the Company will reimburse the customer the difference in price up to a maximum of 50% of the price of the goods (excluding VAT). In no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by any other person directly or indirectly as a result of any delay or delivery.
  • Goods will be packed in accordance with the Company’s normal practice unless otherwise specified in its quotation.
  • If any monies for previous deliveries have not been received by the due dates, all further deliveries may be held pending full payment.
  • If the customer has by an act of omission caused a delay in deliver of, or failed to collect the Goods, the Company shall be entitled to arrange storage for the goods, in that event:
    • The Customer shall reimburse the Company for all costs, charges and expenses incurred in connection with such storage; and
    • The Goods shall be treated for all purposes as delivered on the date that they are put into storage and shall be invoiced, at that date, if they have not been invoiced before.


  • If Goods are received damaged or short delivered, the Customer shall sign the carrier’s sheet strictly in accordance with actual condition. In addition, complaints for such damage and other complaints and claims in respect of partial loss, damage, deviation, miss-delivery or delay, must be made in writing to the Company within 3 days or receipt of Goods, otherwise no claim can be accepted.
  • If the Goods are not received within 7 days of invoice, the Customer must notify the Company in writing. Notifications not received within 11 days of invoice will not be accepted.
  • Any liability which the Company many incur for the loss of or damage to the Goods whilst in transit shall in no case exceed the invoice value of the Goods (excluding VAT) and in no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any loss of profits or any indirect or consequential loss however caused.


9.1)    Title to the Goods shall pass to the Customer upon the happening of any of the following events:

  • The Customer having paid to the Company all sums (including any default interest) due from it to the Company under the contract for the Goods in question and under all other contracts between the Company and the Customer including any sums due under contracts made after the contract in question, whether or not the same are immediately payable; or
  • The Company serving on the Customer notice in writing specifying that title in the goods has passed.

9.2)    The Company may recover Goods in respect of which title has not passed to the Customer on whichever is the earliest of the following occurs:

  • On the expiration of any agreed period of credit in relation to the Goods.
  • If the Customer, being a Company, registered in the United Kingdom: threatens to suspend payment of its debts as they fall due or is deemed, unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 of the insolvency act 1986:takes any steps towards rescheduling or compromising any of its debts; does anything or fails to do anything which would entitle a creditor or any person to appoint a receiver or administrative receiver over the customers assets, has a petition filed, a notice given, a resolution passed or an order made in relation to the winding up of the Customer (otherwise than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction whilst solvent) or to propose an application for an administration of or voluntary arrangement in relation to the customer under the insolvency act 1986; if the customer’s financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in the Company’s opinion the Customer is unable to adequately fulfil its obligations under these terms and conditions or if the customer ceases or threatens to cease to carry on its business by reason of insolvency or approaching insolvency or otherwise:
  • If the Customer, being an individual, does anything or fails to do anything which would entitle any person to present a petition for bankrupting the customer or if a statutory demand is served on the customer or if any person (including the customer) presents a petition for bankrupting the Customer or if the Customer proposes or enters into a formal individual voluntary arrangement or an informal arrangement with the creditors of the Customer or if the Customer refuses or threatens not to pay the creditors of the Customer by reason of insolvency or approaching insolvency or otherwise.
  • In any event, whether the Customer is an individual or a company, if distress or execution is levied against any of the Customer’s assets or if judgement against the Customer remains unsatisfied for more than 7 days or if in the reasonable opinion of the Company, the Customer is unable, or is likely to become unable, to pay its creditors as and when its debts fall due;
  • If in any event occurs, or proceeding is taken, with respect to the Customer in any jurisdiction to which it is subject that has an effect equivalent or similar to any of the events in clause 9.2 (b) and (c); and the Customer irrevocably licenses the Company, its officers, employees, and agents to enter upon any premises of the Customer, with or without vehicles, for the purpose either of satisfying itself that condition 9.3 below is being complied with by the Customer or of recovering any goods in respect of which title has not passed to the Customer.

9.3)    Until title to the goods has passed to the Customer under these conditions it shall possess the goods as fiduciary agent and bailiff of the Company. If the Company so requires, the Customer shall store the goods separately from other Goods and shall ensure that they are clearly identifiable as belonging to the Company. During such time as the customer possess the Goods with the Company’s consent, the Customer may in the normal course of its business sell or hire the Goods as principal and without committing the Company to any liability to the person dealing with the Customer. This right shall cease on the occurrence of any of the events listed in Clause 9.2 (b)-(e).

9.4)     Notwithstanding that title to the goods has not passed to the Customer, the Company shall be entitled to maintain an action for the price of the Goods.

9.5)     Each paragraph and sub-paragraph of this Condition is separate, severable and distinct.


If the Customer shall fail to pay the Company on the due date any sum payable under a contract for the sale and purchase of Goods, or any of the events in clause 9.2(b)-(e) occur, the Company may, without prejudice to its other rights, demand immediate payment by the Customer of all unpaid accounts and suspend further deliveries and cancel that contract and any other contract between the Company and Customer without any liability attaching to the Customer in respect of such suspension or cancellation and debit the Customer with any loss sustained thereby.


After risk in the Goods has passed to the customer under these Terms and Conditions, the customer shall insure them and keep them insured to their full replacement or reinstatement value against fire and other risks normally insured against and if the Goods shall be damaged or destroyed after risk has passed but before payment in full for them has been made, the Customer shall hold all insurance monies received on trust for the Company and pay and direct its insurers to pay any insurance monies payable to the Company to the extent of monies owing but not paid by the Customer to the Company under these Terms and Conditions.


The Customer shall comply fully with all user instructions and safety recommendations issued by the Company in relation to the Goods and the Company shall not be liable to the Customer for any damage, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by the customer as a result of the Customer failing to do so.


The Company warrants that it will within a period of 6 months from despatch (the warranty period) replace or refund at the companies discretion the full purchase price of any Goods which are accepted by the Company as being defective or not in accordance with the agreed specification due to a manufacture defect. The customer’s remedies in respect of any claim under the foregoing express warranty or any condition or warranty implied by law or any other claim in respect of the Goods or any workmanship in relation to them (whether or not involving negligence on the part of the Company) shall in all cases be limited to replacement or refund of the purchase price as aforesaid and any condition or warranty implied by law shall cease to apply after the expiry of the warranty period. The Company shall not in any circumstances be liable for any damages, compensation, costs, expenses, losses or liabilities, whether direct or consequential and any other remedy which would otherwise be available in law is hereby excluded except to the extent that such exclusion is prohibited by any rule of law.



14.1) Notwithstanding anything stated in any quotation or order or acceptance, the Company’s maximum aggregate liability under or arising from any contract for the sale of Goods shall be limited to a sum equivalent to the original price for the goods (excluding VAT).

14.2) All liabilities in respect of claims (whether arising in contract or negligence or otherwise) for indirect loss, loss of profits and for loss of consequential or contingent nature howsoever caused are excluded. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude the liability of the Company for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or injury attributable to the negligence of the Company or its agents.

14.3) No warranty is given as regards suitability for use.

14.4) The Customer accepts that the limitations and exclusions set out in this Clause are reasonable having regard to all circumstances, including the contract price.

14.5) All warranties, conditions and other items implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from these Terms and Conditions.

15. RISK

Risk in Goods supplied shall pass to the Customer as soon as they are delivered to the Customer, or its servant or agent, or to a third party carrier for delivery to the customer, or at the time of collection of the Goods, or their removal from the control of the Company by or on behalf of the Customer, or at the time payment in full for the Goods is received, whichever shall be the sooner.


If the performance of any contract for the sale of Goods by the Company shall be delayed by any circumstances or conditions beyond reasonable control of the Company, the Company shall have the right as its option: (a) to suspend further performance of the contract until such time as the cause of the delay shall no longer be present or; (b) to be discharged from further performance of and liability under the contract and if the Company exercises such right the Customer shall there upon pay the contract price less a reasonable allowance for what was not performed by the Company.


All the Company’s copyright and intellectual property rights in the Goods supplied by the Company to the Customer are and will remain vested in the Company.


These Terms and Conditions and any contract between the Company and the Customer are governed by English law to the exclusive jurisdiction of whose courts the Customer agrees to submit.


Here at Hamilton & James ltd we pride ourselves on our quality of our finished products. However, we are aware that in some certain instances issues may arise with the product.

All our products come with a minimum of 12 months guarantee and can be up to 5 years, dependent on the model bought.

If an issue arises during the guarantee, please follow our returns procedure by emailing us to customerservice@deluxe-beds.co.uk by providing the following required information: your Complain Description, Photos that shows the issue, Our Invoice Number and Delivery Date.

If your claim is for body impressions, dips, sinking or sagging please download and follow the guide. MATTRESS WARRANTY CLAIM GUIDE

The form must be uploaded correctly by answering any questions that are mandatory.

A picture must be uploaded with the production date on the fire label. If a fire label has been removed then all warranty and guarantees are voided.

Once we receive the claim form, we will reply to you within 72 hours outlining next steps.

Our claims team will look at the information provided and respond accordingly. This may be in the following ways, we may ask for the product to be collected, we also may use a third party to assess the issue on site.

When using the third-party company, we will cover any costs incurred by them providing the fault is deemed to be on behalf of Hamilton & James, However, if the fault is not determined to be fault of Hamilton & James, Charges will be payable for the third parties’ services, all costs can be requested prior to the booking of this service from our claims team.

Providing the claim has been successful the sales team will order a replacement mattress at the same costs of the original order onto your account.

When the ordered replacement has been manufactured, the item will be despatched through our delivery team who will collect the old item at the time of delivery.

When we receive the old product back and any final checks are complete, the item will be credited back to your account by our accounts team providing all our findings fall under the guarantee.

Disclaimer – by submitting a claim you are claiming that the fault lies with Deluxe beds ltd falsely submitting information in the claim may lead occur charges for time, transportation, materials, labour and any other costs that are deemed necessary.


When placing an order for any special product, this can be one of the following:

  1. Non-standard sized product
  2. Own label product
  3. Special requests on fabrics

These are non-returnable unless faulty.


When production has started on the product there will be a surcharge of 50% of the total price to cancel the order.

The finest British beds and mattresses, masterfully handcrafted to order for the ultimate in sleep comfort